Lab scale purification, oftentimes referred to as research scale, is a way to discover new compounds. This type of purification allows you to purify enough of your lead compounds to identify, evaluate, and optimize against other targets.

We offer cost-effective and high throughput chromatography systems that support the purification of thousands of compounds per year. They are easy to use for fast method development and small-scale purification of up to 1-2 g for testing and identification. These systems are best for those executing purification research in new compound discovery or leads optimization.

Case Study: How Gilson is Helping Biotechs Scale-Up Peptide Purification for Drug Discovery

The Institute for Research and Innovation in Biomedicine (IRIB) focuses on developing innovative technologies for diagnosing, treating, and preventing diseases. Its research programs are centered around several themes, including cancer, infectious diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, and regenerative medicine. In this case study, we explore how the researchers at IRIB are using preparative HPLC in their peptide purification drug discovery applications.


Lab Scale Chromatography Products and Systems

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